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Masa & Lokasi
19 Apr 2023, 9:00 PG GMT+1
Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria
Producers Exhibition (Basic)
This ticket covers one stall/booth for exhibition of your goods and services
NGN 500,000.00Tax: +NGN 37,500.00 VATJualan telah tamatProducers Exhibition (Premium)
This ticket covers two stall/booth for exhibition of your goods and services
NGN 750,000.00Tax: +NGN 56,250.00 VATJualan telah tamatOfftakers Entrance Fee
This ticket covers access to the Trade Session for the Agri-Investment and Capital Markets Conference (AICM) 2023
NGN 150,000.00Tax: +NGN 11,250.00 VATJualan telah tamat
NGN 0.00
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